Author: AIDA
A healthcare journey in the Torres Strait Islands
AIDA member and Aboriginal medical student, Ms Anne-Maree Nielsen received the MDA National and Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDDA) Rural Health Bursary for 2015. She chose Thursday Island as the location for her clinical placement, firstly because she wanted to learn more about Torres Strait Islander culture, and secondly to further consolidate her medical … Continued
National Health Leadership Forum submission to the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) Performance Audit of the Indigenous Advancement Strategy. AIDA contributed as a member of the NHLF.
What makes a successful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctor?
Dr Sarah McEwan is an AIDA member who likes to keep herself busy. With three fellowships to her name and a host of academic qualifications, Sarah has achieved a great deal in her relatively brief career to date. Sarah is currently enrolled in a Masters of Health Administration and is working on a research proposal … Continued