This Referendum Result Will Not Stop Us!

A Statement from the Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association   “On Saturday the 14th October 2023 we all witnessed the news of an unequivocal ‘NO’ vote to the ‘Voice to Parliament’ with heavy hearts, knowing that the nation has denied us, as Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people, the right to have a direct say, politically, on … Continued

Support resources

We have put together some resources for anyone needing extra support. We encourage you to utilise the listed resources: • 13YARN [Thirteen YARN]: national crisis support line for mob who are feeling overwhelmedor having difficulty coping (13 92 76)• Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership in Social andEmotional wellbeing, Mental … Continued

AIDA and AMA sign agreement to help close Indigenous health gap

MEDIA RELEASE Tackling serious health inequities affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is at the heart of a new agreement between the Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association (AIDA) and the Australian Medical Association (AMA). The two organisations signed a memorandum of understanding today, cementing a shared commitment towards addressing these issues, as well as empowering … Continued

AIDA supports the Voice to Parliament

MEDIA RELEASE The Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association (AIDA) today publicly announces support of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament. Embedding the Indigenous Voice to Parliament would recognise the formative place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia’s history, while ensuring that the wellbeing of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples … Continued

Student Spotlight: Loyola Wills

Loyola Wills’ journey into Medicine has not been a straight-forward one. She first completed an Arts degree, followed by a successful career in local government, but she was not fully satisfied with a desk job. The dream to become a Doctor never quite went away. Loyola has ties to Mabuiag and Badu Islands, and she … Continued