Developed and delivered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctors.
Promoting Cultural Safety* in all parts of the healthcare system is important to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Cultural Safety also supports, and is supported by, the growth of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical workforce.
2025 individual workshops dates
What is Cultural Safety?
2023 Trainee Testimonials
Cultural Safety in the health system is a key goal of AIDA. Two courses are available:
Cultural Awareness – An Introduction to Cultural Safety
AIDA’s Cultural Safety Training – CPD Points apply
AIDA has delivered 13 cultural safety workshops during 2023 with a total of 201 participants. This includes clinical and non- clinical participants – Fellows, Registrars, Executive staff and Board members. All workshops facilitated by our amazing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Doctors who share their own experiences and insights to emphasis the importance of cultural safety.
Interest in both AIDA’s Cultural Safety face to face workshop and online Cultural Awareness course, continue to grow. To date there have been 734 people enrol in AIDA’s online Cultural Awareness course. AIDA are excited to see the growing interest in the training and we are continuing to work to drive equitable and just health outcomes for all our peoples in a healthcare system free of racism.
By undertaking cultural safety training all participants have made the important commitment to provide culturally safe practice and achieve better health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
For more information contact our Cultural Safety Coordinator directly via
AIDA are holding several individual bookable Cultural Safety workshops around Australia this year.
Registrations are open:
- Wednesday 12th March 2025 – BRISBANE-
- Saturday 17th May 2025 – MELBOURNE –
- Tuesday 17th June 2025 – SYDNEY –
- Friday 5th September 2025 – PERTH –
What is cultural safety?
A culturally safe health system deliver[s] safe, accessible and responsive healthcare free of racism.
A culturally safe health practice requires the ongoing critical reflection of health practitioners’ knowledge, skills, attitudes, practising behaviours and an awareness of existing power differentials.
The existence of cultural safety is determined by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families and communities.
Cultural safety is defined here as the individual and institutional knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies needed to deliver optimal health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
AIDA supports the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) National Scheme 2020-2025 definition of cultural safety
Cultural safety is an overarching theme of AIDA’s Values and Code of Conduct and is a key principle in all of AIDA’s Collaboration Agreements. Much of our work is aimed at promoting culturally safe learning environments for Indigenous students, doctors and service delivery to patients. As an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak health organisation, AIDA is strongly positioned to report on areas lacking culturally safety, as well as leading effective strategies to enhance spaces where cultural differences are respected.
2023 Trainee Testimonials
“One of the workshop’s most valuable takeaways was the emphasis on self-reflection and humility in healthcare practice. It highlighted the importance of acknowledging one’s own biases and stereotypes, which can be impediments to providing culturally safe care.”
Zamri Burns, (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Medical Student
“I left with a greater understanding of the issues and practical skills to better care for my First Nations patients. Many thanks for the opportunity to attend.”
2nd Year Registrar ACD