
AIDA’s Cultural Safety training is unique with our program aimed at ‘The Clinical Application of Cultural Safety’ developed by Indigenous Doctors and delivered by Indigenous Doctors. This compelling training helps participants to extend their knowledge about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture, explore how attitudes and values can influence perceptions, assumptions and behaviours in a clinical setting, and discuss specific ways to be more culturally aware.
AIDA’s Cultural Safety Training, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health in Clinical Practice (ATSIHiCP), is clinically focused and designed to assist medical practitioners integrate cultural safety into their practices to improve healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients. ATSIHiCP equips Registrars and Fellows in any specialty with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to integrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander holistic health and cultural safety into everyday clinical practice. Developed and delivered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctors, our program is enhanced by the unique insights of AIDA doctor members and a range of clinical case studies that have been experienced first-hand by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctors.
Through developing a greater understanding of Indigenous health perspectives and by undertaking a process of investigating their own perceptions, participants commence the important steps of critical self-reflection. The program aims to inspire participants to change their own clinical practice and become an agent for change for others.
Structure and accreditation
The program is delivered over an 8.5-hour day, usually between 9am and 5pm. It includes interactive and experiential teaching, as well as preparatory and follow-up activities. Training sessions are designed for 10 to 25 participants.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health in Clinical Practice is accredited for continuing professional development, or equivalent, with a number of specialist medical colleges.
Module 1 – Holistic Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbeing
• Understand and apply Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander worldviews and approaches to health and wellbeing in clinical practice.
Module 2- Health Equality, Privilege and Racism
• Understand the structural barriers and enabling factors regarding race as a barrier for good health outcomes.
Module 3 – Systemic Racism and Systems Change
• Recommend practical strategies to mitigate barriers and utilise enabling factors at a systemic and practice level.
Module 4 – Being an Ally
• Explore the qualities of being a strong advocate and ally.
• Identify and implement personal strategies to address racism.
Module 5 – Cultural Safety in Practice
• Strengthen culturally safe practices relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to achieve better health outcomes.
• Implement strategies to overcome barriers to health access at an institutional level.
Module – 6 Implementation Post – Training
• Integrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander holistic health and cultural safety into everyday clinical practice.
A number of case studies weave through the training and will engage participants to develop, review and update the perceptions and understandings underlying their responses to the case study scenarios in line with the progression of their learnings.
More information
Please contact the Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association at or 1800 190 498 for more information, pricing options and to register your interest.