Member Opportunities

Does your organisation have an opportunity to share with AIDA? Please fill in the form at the bottom of this page.

This page has the latest opportunities available to members such as scholarships, work posts and EOIs.

Here is a summary of what is currently available:

2025 AGPT applications open soon

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Application end date: 13/08/2024

Applications for GP training open 22 July-13 August. We’d greatly appreciate if you could post the below copy during this time.

2025 second intake GP training applications are now open​!

Are you, or someone you know, looking for a challenging, diverse and highly rewarding medical career? There’s still time to start your GP or rural generalist journey in 2025. ​

Second intake applications to train with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in the 2025 Australian General Practice Training Program open Monday 22 July and close on Tuesday 13 August 2024. ​

​Apply now on the RACGP website ( or contact us for more information on

ANZEF Scholarships for PRIDoC 24

The Australian and New Zealand Eye Foundation / The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists

Application end date: 12/08/2024

The Australian and New Zealand Eye Foundation (ANZEF) invites First Nations junior doctors and medical students from Australia and New Zealand to apply for scholarships to attend the Pacific Region Indigenous Doctors Congress – PRIDoC 2024, 2-6 December on Kaurna Country, Adelaide.

These scholarships aim to facilitate the participation of aspiring ophthalmologists in PRIDoC 2024, where RANZCO ophthalmologists will host a hands-on Eye School demonstration and Q&A session.

Eligibility: Applicants must be First Nations junior doctors and medical students who are members of AIDA or TeORA, and are required to demonstrate their interest in eye health and ophthalmology as a career.

New leadership scholarships announced

Women & Leadership Australia

Application end date: 31/07/2024

Women & Leadership Australia has announced new scholarships to enable more women to access world-class leadership and workplace skill development programs.
By combining cutting-edge leadership theory with practical application, and a flexible part-time delivery, Women & Leadership Australia offers an unparalleled learning experience designed to fit into your busy schedule.
With partial scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $5,000, there are four programs to suit women in non-leadership roles all the way up to senior executives.
Application closing date extended until 31 July 2024 unless allocated prior. Find out more here:

Ophthalmology – Student Elective

Royal Victorian Eye & Ear Hospital

Application end date: 30/06/2025

The RVEEH offers a medical elective program for medical students in their final year of study. These are for 4-6 weeks of clinical attachment in ophthalmology. Appointments are made on a rolling basis, depending on availability of clinicians to supervise.

In the financial year 2024/25 two funded places will be available to AIDA members. Please contact the Education Officer to enquire further:

NEW: Certificate of Postgraduate Training in Clinical Psychiatry


Application end date: 30/09/2024

The RANZCP is pleased to announce that a new educational opportunity launching on 2 September 2024, the Certificate of Postgraduate Training in Clinical Psychiatry (the Certificate).  

The Certificate is an exciting new education initiative for the RANZCP, with the program being available for medical practitioners (PGY5+) in Australia who want to enhance their skills in the provision of mental health care.  

Applications for the Certificate will open in June. Further information on opening dates for applications will be published in the coming weeks. In the lead up to the launch, we will be communicating updates via the Certificate webpage.  If you would like to receive updates directly, please complete the Certificate expression of interest form.

For the inaugural year of the program, places will be limited. The fee schedule for the program, can be viewed on the webpage.

The RANZCP would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and feedback given in the development of the Certificate. The RANZCP would also like to thank the Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) for funding the development of the program.  

Please don’t hesitate to contact should you have any questions. 



Application end date: 15/07/2024

What is the AIDA academic post?

As part of the Federal Governments’ Closing the Gap strategy, the Department of Health has earmarked a specialised academic post referred to as the AIDA academic post. The post is an identified training term open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander general practitioners in training.

What can I expect from this role?

The AIDA post comprises 0.5 FTE clinical work in a general practice clinic (minimum of 14.5 hours per week) and 0.5 FTE in academia including research (11.4 hours) and teaching (7.6 hours). The successful applicant will be supported to visit AIDA’s office in Canberra several times over the course of the post. Applicants may develop their own topic in consultation with their university supervisor or select from the a list of suggested topics.

Find out the topics and how to apply:

RANZCR ASM Sponsor Grant for Indigenous Medical Students and Junior Doctors

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

Application end date: 02/08/2024

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists is offering an ASM Sponsor Grant to eligible Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander medical students and junior doctors to attend the 74th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), held on the lands of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation in Boorloo (Perth), Western Australia 17 – 19 October 2024.

Themes will be broad with clinical radiology and radiation oncology topics as well as sessions on diversity, inclusion, cultural safety and workplace wellbeing.

The grant includes AU$3,500 each for five successful applicants.

If your organisation has an opportunity that would be of interest to AIDA and our members, please let us know about it using the form below.

If your opportunity has a deadline, please ensure that you share with AIDA at least two weeks in advance (the longer the better). Thank you.

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