Chief Executive Officer Monica Barolits-McCabe

14 Dec 2021

Monica is a Kungarakan woman from Darwin and is the current CEO of The Australian Indigenous Doctors Association (AIDA).

Monica has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Canberra, and has extensive accounting, policy and management experience in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. Her previous roles include Corporate Services Manager, Danila Dilba Aboriginal Medical Service; Business Development Manager, Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT); and Assistant Director with the Commonwealth Department of Health. Her most recent role was Manager of Flinders University Northern Territory.

Monica has worked in a wide range of roles with the police, health services, and the Department of Health, but when she recognised the impact of the shortage of Indigenous doctors in holding back treatment and health improvement, she chose to join the Flinders University Northern Territory Medical Program in 2013, determined to make a difference.

Joining AIDA as the CEO was a natural and logical progression in following her career goals in making a difference to Indigenous health outcomes in Australia.

14 Dec 2021