Scholarships and Financial Support

Scholarships and financial support are helpful and often essential to help you achieve your career ambitions.

The Roberta Sykes Scholarship
The Roberta Sykes Scholarship
The Roberta Sykes Scholarship provides funding to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander postgraduate students who wish to undertake studies at recognised overseas universities.  The value of the Scholarship is up to maximum amount of AUD $75,000, paid directly to the recipient in equal instalments at the start of each semester or term, subject to academic &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>
Charlie Perkins Scholarship
Charlie Perkins Scholarship
Fifteen years ago, there had never been an Indigenous Australian studying full-time at Oxford or Cambridge. Since then, 33 Charlie Perkins Scholars have been accepted into full-time studies at these universities. To date, 28 have graduated. The value of each Perkins Scholarship will vary, depending on the scholarship holders course of study. It will cover &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>