Through the delivery of our programs, AIDA is proud to contribute to improved cultural safety in health and support, growth and retention of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical workforce. As of January 2024, there were 491 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical students enrolled at universities and 850 registered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical practitioners. This is the latest update on AIDA’s Programs are supporting of First Nations Doctors and medical students.
Specialist Trainee Support Program (STSP)
Plans and registrations are being finalised for the upcoming Trainee Workshop from 29 November to 1 December in Kaurna Country / Adelaide. This is a fully funded workshop for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander non-GP specialists. We’d love to see you there!
Save the date: 28 to 30 March for the first trainee workshop of 2025.
On 16th October – Dr Karen Nicholls and Bianca Field presented to 16 senior staff specialists at Redcliffe hospital on “Culturally safe clinical environments”.
On 19 October, Dr Nathan Luies – received his fellowship as the first Indigenous sports and exercise physician AND received the 2024 college medal!
Indigenous Medical Student Support Program (IMSS)
In the exciting lead up to PRIDOC we are preparing to celebrate our amazing graduates again this year. We are delighted that 31 graduates will be presented with their AIDA stethoscopes at the PRIDOC Banquet. This is undoubtedly one of the highlights of the program, giving us the opportunity to acknowledge excellence and celebrate success together.
As the year comes to an end and our SRC concludes their 2024 tenure, we will soon be calling for nominations from Indigenous Medical Student members for our 2025 SRC.
There will be new and exciting leadership and professional development opportunities available through the SRC which has undergone restructuring and strengthening with a view to improved representation and engagement for students. Keep an eye out for communications from AIDA via email and through our social media channels for the opening of nominations.
Cultural Safety Program
Our Cultural Safety team, alongside our incredible Indigenous Educators, have delivered Cultural Safety workshops to a diverse range of participants over the past month, including Darling Down West Mortan Primary Health Network, an individual bookable workshop in Sydney and a workshop alongside RMA24 in Darwin
Collaboration with Darling Downs and West Moreton Primary Health Network
Our first workshop in Toowoomba was a resounding success! This innovative approach includes Community consultation and follow-up sessions to complement our training. Our goal is to empower medical professionals to develop strategies that reflect the unique needs of local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities within their Primary Health Network.
The team look forward to the delivery of seven more Cultural Safety workshop by the end of 2024.