Student representation at AIDA is evolving this year. We called for nominations for an AIDA Student Representative from each university plus six Regional Leads (RL) into brand new positions.
The purpose behind these newly created roles is for AIDA to better serve student representatives and the members they represent.
AIDA’s Student Representatives
Nominations are now closed!
As an AIDA Student Representative you will help ensure student experiences are heard and valued and help build a stronger more connected student community.
As a Student Representative your role will involve:
- Connecting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at your university to understand their experiences including challenges and successes
- Providing updates and advice to your AIDA SRC Regional Lead on the experiences of students from your university
- Providing guidance to the AIDA Secretariat to hold student gatherings at your university
The AIDA Student Representatives are voluntary positions.
How to apply for Student Rep roles
Please provide your name, university, year level and answer the following questions:
Please tell us why you have nominated for this position and how you would approach your role as an AIDA Student Representative? (Max 250 words)
Please note your response will only be shared in the case that more than one nomination is received for your university and students will be required to cast a vote. In this case, your response will be shared with AIDA student members from your university to inform their vote. In the event that more than one nomination is received, your answer will be shared with voting students to inform their vote.
SRC Regional Leads
Nominations are now closed!
This is a chance to take your passion further and be a voice for your fellow students and champion for positive change as a member of the Student Representative Committee.
As a Regional Lead on the SRC your role will involve:
- Liaising with student representatives from universities from your region
- Attending quarterly meetings of the SRC and tabling and discussing students’ experiences
- Providing advice and guidance on improving students’ experience and success through medical school to inform the AIDA Board
- Providing guidance to the AIDA Secretariat to inform student gatherings and opportunities to promote AIDA’s membership and work
AIDA Regional Leads of the SRC are remunerated positions at $4,000 per year each.
The Regionals Leads will be appointed by the AIDA Board, plus will be required to meet quarterly, but will no longer undertake a project.
How to apply for Regional Lead roles
Please read the Regional Lead Position Description (PD).
Please provide your name, university, year level and answer the following questions:
What is one core value that would guide you in your role as a Regional Lead on AIDA’s SRC? How would it shape your approach, motivation, and commitment in this role? (Max 250 words)
Your response will be shared with the AIDA Board to inform their decision when appointing the Regional Leads to form the SRC.
More details about the roles
Students may nominate for either or both the Student Representative and Regional Lead positions.
Where more than one nomination is received for a Student Representative position, student members from the university will be asked to vote on their preferred candidate.
The AIDA Board will review the nominations and appoint the Regional Lead to form the SRC at their 30 April 2025 meeting.
The Inaugural Student Representatives and Regional Leads will serve for an 18 month term. Future Student Representatives and Reginal Leads will also serve for an 18 month term.
Nominations now closed – Regional Lead to form AIDA’s Student Representative Committee
As a sub-committee of the AIDA Board, your role will be to liaise with Student Representatives within your region to table and discuss matters impacting students experiences at quarterly meetings of the SRC to provide advice and recommendations to inform the work of the AIDA Board.
Meetings will be held quarterly and participation at all meetings is expected, subject to study commitments and capacity.
The Regional Lead positions will be remunerated $.
WA | NT/SA | QLD | Regional NSW/ACT | Greater Sydney | VIC/TAS |
University of Western Australia (UWA) | Charles Darwin University (CDU) | James Cook University (JCU) | Australian National University (ANU) | Macquarie University (MU) | University of Tasmania (UTAS) |
Curtin University | Flinders University NT | Griffith University | University of New England (UNE) | University of Western Sydney (UWS) | Deakin University |
Notre Dame University | Flinders University SA | University of Queensland | University of Newcastle | University of New South Wales | Monash University |
Edith Cowan University | University of Adelaide | Bond University | Charles Sturt University | Notre Dame University | University of Melbourne |
University of Sydney |
For more information about the above roles, please contact us at: or via phone number: 1800 190 498.